It was late fall 2022. This internal nudge came up. Hm. Bali. Why Bali? If there was one place on the other side of the world I had my heart on, it was Fiji. I had never thought of Bali.
Winter of 2022. I visited my home country, Bulgaria. I hadn’t been to the movies in ages. Looked like there was a great chick flick with two of my favorite actors.Ticket to Paradise. Location of the movie? Bali.
I came back from Bulgaria and shared with hubby:
“Sure baby, one day.”
“No, no, I want to go now. Like spring break.”
If you happen to have a person around you who gets an idea and then will find any way to make it happen, then you understand how my hubby feels. I am the one who is like: “My intuition says this is a great idea, let’s go.” Hubby is the engineer who evaluates every single angle to make sure it makes sense.
After we discussed world political unrest, reviewed earthquake lines, looked at history of tsunamis, length of flights, the timing of spring break for our daughter, finances, etc., etc. and time was passing, I said: “I am going. Are you coming?”
I don’t think it was desire for adventure that had him said ‘yes’. He is the sweet hubby who feels uber protective of his wife, who this time had the grand idea to fly across the world, mind you for no per-se good reason.
I reassured him I would be ok. I started traveling the world solo right after graduating high school and spent 2 months in Columbia and then Brazil visiting friends. I did a study abroad in undergraduate and graduate schools traveling to New York, London, around the United Kingdom, and Italy. Before getting married, I organized several trips for me and mom to travel. I am that friend who when you invite me to come visit actually jumps on a plane. The airport is one of my favorite places. The excitement to discover anew – place, people, cultures, and very importantly, me.
I used to not love flying. I was the kid with the vomit bag (and I would use it.) Then I psyched myself up that if I love travel, I got to love flying. I now love boarding an airplane. Upon take off, landing, and turbulence, I sturdily hold on to my bottle of peppermint oil taking deep breaths.
By this point in my life, I know my intuition does not stray me wrong...
Mesmerizing nature. Lush greenery. Peace and calm. Delicious and fresh food. Respect and harmony with nature. Kind people. Warmth. Elevated energy. High vibrations. Indeed, a place very well worth a visit.
Hubby is a bit skeptical when it comes to healing modalities: “Are you now changing your religion?”.
“No, babe, chill, it is only a cleansing.”
After one of our evening walks, as we returned to the hotel around 11 PM and the front desk area was quiet, I asked the young man at the reception:
Kindly and warmly, he responded receptively. I told hubby and daughter to go ahead and go rest; I will follow. I took a sit. My main question was:
Instead of getting a straight answer, we engaged into a deep conversation. I shared my journey, I learned about him. We dove into energy, healing, and spirituality.
Here comes hubby: “Is all ok? It’s almost 1 am. What are you talking about?”
“Healing!” I say excitedly and wide awake.
Hubby rolls his eyes and leaves. A huge part of our growth as a couple - respecting our differences, and giving each other space to be.
I had no idea time had flown by. We had a beautiful and profound conversation. It was like I had known Weda my entire life. We parted with him agreeing to ask around for the type of healer I was seeking.
A day later, Weda reached out. Get this:
She does not work with tourists. He had to ask her if she would be willing to do a session for me. Our conversation was a way for him to gauge that my energy is pure.
Put yourself out there and the Universe will deliver .... Wow, I was soooo excited. A full day of healing. Water purification is followed up by visiting an authentic Balinese healer.
The day arrived. Our guide, Made, from the hotel was my guide for the day.
We left the hotel in the early morning hours and arrived at the temple before opening. We had to buy an offering of fresh flowers. Locals helped us get one this early in the morning. We were a couple of the first people to enter the temple - fantastic to not have to deal with the crowd. We took our time, changed and then proceeded.
We sat and said a prayer and then entered the first pool of water. Under each one of the fountains, except the last two for those for dead bodies, I put my head under water and said a mantra.
After the cleanse, we changed, and walked around the temple visiting the spot where the water is sourced from underneath the ground. Peaceful, beautiful, and calming.
Consequently, we hopped in the car and headed to what I thought was the healer’s house. We ended up going to Weda’s house – a huge compound with I believe 70 people living there. Balinese homes are a cluster of homes on a shared land where multiple generations live. Each family has their old living quarters and common areas are central and shared.
We were greeted by Weda’s dad, Mr. A, who was warm and welcoming. Along with my guide, they made me feel so comfortable. Mr. A asked me if I would like to take pictures. Do I? I didn’t want to be disrespectful.
Then, they said we would go to the healer’s house. I didn’t realize it was a different home. Back in the car, we drove to another compound.
We arrived at the new compound and spent some time waiting for her to get ready.
Of course, as the minutes passed, my mind was getting louder: What if she didn’t like me? What if my energy is off? Then there was this calm. Even though my mind was trying to be loud, it was much easier to tame it. The purification session!
And there she was. She walked across the yard. I felt compelled to stand up for respect. She was much younger than I expected and very beautiful.
She headed right my way and looked me straight in the eyes. There was a gentle and calming smile on her face. It is like her eyesight commanded me to look her straight into her eyes. The gaze felt like it lasted a minute or two. Her energy was powerful. It was like she was reading into my soul. Then she smiled wider. I took that as a sign that what she saw was good. Whew! I am continuously working on not caring what people say, now, what a healer sees in my heart – a whole different level of expectation.
We started the ritual in a beautifully set up temple decorated with flowers, candles, and decorations. There were two interpreters. One was Mr. A. and my guide, Made. What I did not know is that the healer speaks in an elevated and sophisticated language that most do not understand. Mr. A was her son. He was translating to ‘regular Balinese’. Made was in turn translating in English.
I have no idea how long the session lasted. Perhaps an hour. Perhaps more. Perhaps less. I was completely lost in time. There was incense, candles, and chanting. I will not share the details of how the session went as I am not sure if that is information to be disclosed. I am beyond grateful for the experience.
At the very beginning, Made started translating what the healer was saying. As she was speaking faster, the translation chain was too long to keep up. So, she spoke, and Mr. A took notes. Made and I mostly sat there as if tranquilized by her voice.
I first found it interesting. My mind was starting to get loud. I connected to my breath and found the silence within aided by her voice and the smells. She was seated in a chair. I was sitting on the floor. There were moments when she would lower her face to mine and stare me in the eyes as she kept speaking. The energy was insane. Electrifying. I could feel it with every cell in my body despite the fact I had no idea what she was saying. I trusted her. Her energy felt intense and soothing at the same time.
Once the session was completed, we did the 3-way translation. There was an opportunity to ask questions. The deep details of what she told me will perhaps be in my book – 10 Days in Bali. It is yet to be manifested in physical form (aka written).
It felt like she knew me my entire life. She knew my soul. She knew my heart. She said that the journey I have been on has not been easy and the turbulence will persist but do not fret. I am living in my purpose (yes! Knew that. Felt divine to hear it from her). I asked her what was required of me to elevate to the next level.
OMG, in the past few weeks, it was the same message from my body coach and one of my wise mentors. I have done sooooo much letting go in the past few years. More letting go? At least the message was consistent. We only know what we know. That is why I surround myself with masters and healers.
She said I will return. Holy cow, I knew that too. The affirmations were so calming for my body, mind, and spirit.
She said aromatherapy aligns with me (wow! How on earth did she know?!? – and in case I haven’t offered you to be oiled and you don’t know - I am much into essential oils which are pretty much in every room in my house).
I asked which oil I should focus on. Rose. OMG. I bought rose oil in December and had been using a drop nightly. There is NO way she knew that (I didn’t take it to Bali). I use half my knowledge and half my intuition to pick oils.
As the session wrapped up and she restored to her normal self, she caressed my face and did another eye stare. The tears started rolling down my face. It is like she understood me. She knew my pain. She felt my depth (which is sometimes challenging to explain in common sense terms). I felt vulnerable. Lighter. Relieved. Affirmed. I felt safe in her presence.
She smiled, pointed at my heart, and then placed her hand on her heart and patted it as if to tell me my heart is good. The tears rolled again. I know my heart is pure. Then there is the world which manages to occasionally get me to question my sanity and direction. We got up and stood by each other. I so wished I could speak to her. Her demeanor and presence were tranquilizing.
The family made me feel at home. They were welcoming, hospitable, friendly. I was surrounded by friends.
Left to Right: Mr. A, (NR’s son, interpreter), me, NR (the healer), Weda (who made this happen, the healer’s grandson), Made (my guide)
In the car ride back to our villa, I had a delightful conversation with Made. He had never attended such a ceremony and was equally fascinated by it.
The next day, Weda texted me. He said he had a gift for me at the front desk.
Beautifully wrapped was a framed picture of me, Mr. A, and NR, the healer. In the back of the frame was a piece of paper with key points from the session, which Mr. A diligently took while the session was in progress. Another super special piece of the notes – Mr. A had drawn a picture of me. I had no idea when he managed to do that.
For those of you who know healing and symbolism, perhaps something will catch your attention.
Please reach out ([email protected]) to explore if this experience is the right fit for you.
If you are seeking guide support when touring Bali, reach out to my dear friends Weda (IG@wedasurya18; WhatsUp +62-878-6000-6617) and Made ([email protected]; WhatsUp +62-856-4693-4853).
Happy healing, rebels!
About the writer: Following her intuition, in 2016, Maria left a successful 17-year Finance career to pursue her passion for fitness. Today, Maria is on a mission to redefine ‘success’ through The Angelova Method, a holistic mind-body program she curated, promoting the symbiotic relationship between a sound body & a serene mind, asserting that true success cannot be achieved with either in disarray.
Inspired by her 2023 trip to Bali, Maria is hosting her next international wellness retreat in Ubud, Bali (an energy vortex) in April 2024.