It was a late, grey, cold winter Saturday evening.
We were wrapping up the re-arrangement and cleanup post our wellness event.
Both of us were exhausted. It had been a long week. The day had started hours before the actual event with preps and coordination, the unloading, decorating, etc. The event was fun and interactive. However, both of us were done and ready to go home to our families and seize whatever was left of the weekend.
As we were chatting and gave each other a hug, the mood was upbeat: One day, we will be abroad, sitting at the beach and sipping cocktails remembering all these events and where we started. 🙏
Fast forward, 2 years later, here we are. Sunshine, water, beauty, fresh air, amazing people - doing what we love and sipping those cocktails we talked about as the sun sets. Wow, dreams do come true! Sometimes the timeline is different, sometimes there is a detour or two ....
And while people see the beautiful photos and joy, there are many who have walked this same path and know what it takes behind the scenes....
Starting from scratch. Building your business one client and one connection at a time. I vividly remember my first full-time day with Rebellious. I was eagerly sitting in front of the laptop staring at the empty e-mail panel. Not even one email outside the 'Welcome to Outlook' one. It was a great reality check. I thought to myself: Hm, can I really make this happen?!?
My very first social media video took me 8 freaking hours! I re-recorded it dozen of times. In each version, there was something not to my liking. I posted it .... and it got whooping 10 views. #realitycheck Now I can laugh about it. 🤣
Long days, long weeks. What’s a weekend? When you are a starting entrepreneur, you frequently don’t know what the month earnings will be like. Each 1st of the month, the starting number is $0.
Then you have a road map.... and sometimes you get so derailed that you forget where you were going.
There are ups and there are downs, there happy days and days of tears. Yes, I have had times when I have thought: I should just go back to corporate; it will be much more comfortable and predictable. But then there is something deep inside that snaps me out of it with a polite: Nah!
There are the so many times when you feel you have to explain yourself, what you are doing, why you are doing it .... till you grow up and find out this is not really necessary and accept that, as painful as it is, some people are in your life for a reason or a season.
There are times especially at the beginning when it is lonely. Very lonely.
But then your energy starts attracting like-minded folks. People who have walked the walk or are walking it with you. There are also those who are just getting started and the hurdles are dimming their enthusiasm. That’s when you lend a helping hand: It’s ok, buddy, you got this! Keep that purpose and passion close to your heart. We have all walked the path.
And then those darn terror barriers. Just when you think you have conquered the tallest one and you have dug so deep inside, another one pops. 🙄
Then those barriers become the new normal. You become to know this is your next growth opportunity. Awareness makes it a bit easier. So does the momentum. But the terror barriers don’t go away, they get even more daring: Oh, yeah, you want this? How bad to you want it?
The self growth - probably my favorite part of entrepreneurship. Now I realize how I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the get go. Life is good at humbling us this way. It is like I am a different person. I feel different. I see life through completely different lenses. I was a huge “pusher”. Realizing that when we align with our soul’s purpose, things somehow miraculously unfold in a magnificent way.
What has been key on this Rebellious journey has been the consistency, persistence, resilience, determination.
The realization that to be the best whatever we want to be requires we show up authentically and as our best and highest version. And it is a life-long journey.
Self investment in all sort of coaches - body, mind, spirit, business. I have now learned that I am worth it to work only with the best ones. I used to go with the cheaper ones because those were in my comfort zone. Repetitive mistakes taught me that if I want to grow, I have to invest in myself by hiring those who are several steps ahead of me. Thousands of dollars. All worth each and every penny.
Because if I were stuck in my comfort zone, I’d never be where I am today, feeling such peace in who I am and knowing without doubt I am living in my purpose.
Because if I were in my comfort zone, I’d never be able to impact lives the way I want to and do.
My hubby made a comment how my confidence has grown as an entrepreneur. You bet.
Overnight? No! Tears? Yes. Feeling lost/ lonely/ fearful/ uncertain/ worried/ insecure/ doubtful/ angry/ frustrated/ upset/ etc. Yes.
But these are the things not frequently shared on social media for the journeys we walk..... behind every success there is a great story. One day, I will write a book about my story. 😀
As we enjoy the sunset and our cocktails, I cheer to authenticity and purpose and owning my rebel within.
I wish upon each and every soul out there to experience what’s in my heart in this moment.
Dare to dream, Rebels! Own being yourself. Listen to your heart. Invest in you. You have everything to CREATE the life YOU want!
Xoxo from Acapulco, Mexico!